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Additional Reports

In addition to the standard HTML reports, Serenity provides additional reports for more specific usages. These include

  • Emailable HTML reports
  • Html report as single page react application

Serenity emailable reports#

Serenity BDD produces rich reports that act both as test reports and living documentation. But often it is useful to be able to send a short summary of the test outcomes via email.

Serenity allows you to generate a single-page, self-contained HTML summary report, containing an overview of the test results, and a configurable breakdown of the status of different areas of the application. You can see a sample of such a report here:

A summary report generated by Serenity

Setting up Maven#

These reports are configured in the Serenity Maven plugin, where you need to do two things. First, you need to add a dependency for the serenity-emailer module in the plugin configuration. Then, you need to tell Serenity to generate the email report when it performs the aggregation task.

The full configuration looks something like this:

<plugin>    <groupId>net.serenity-bdd.maven.plugins</groupId>    <artifactId>serenity-maven-plugin</artifactId>    <version>${serenity.version}</version>    <dependencies>        <dependency>             <groupId>net.serenity-bdd</groupId>            <artifactId>serenity-single-page-report</artifactId>            <version>${serenity.version}</version>        </dependency>        <dependency>            <groupId>net.serenity-bdd</groupId>            <artifactId>serenity-navigator-report</artifactId>            <version>${serenity.version}</version>        </dependency>    </dependencies>    <configuration>        <tags>${tags}</tags>        <reports>single-page-html,navigator</reports>    </configuration>    <executions>        <execution>            <id>serenity-reports</id>            <phase>post-integration-test</phase>            <goals>                <goal>aggregate</goal>            </goals>        </execution>    </executions></plugin>

In the above snippet,

  1. The <dependency> tags above list the dependencies on different report modules.
  2. The <reports> tag in the <configuration> specifies the list of reports to generate.

If you are using Maven, you can also generate these reports directly using the reports goal and by passing the serenity.reports system property:

mvn serenity:reports -Dserenity.reports=single-page-html

Setting up Gradle#

If you are using Gradle, you can use the reports task to generate any configured extended reports. First of all, you need to add the dependencies to the extended reports you want to run in the buildscript section of your build.gradle file, e.g.

buildscript {    repositories {        mavenLocal()        jcenter()    }    dependencies {        classpath "net.serenity-bdd:serenity-gradle-plugin:2.1.4"        classpath "net.serenity-bdd:serenity-single-page-report:2.1.4"    }}

Next, you need to configure the report you want to generate in your build.gradle file using the serenity section, as shown here:

serenity {    reports = ["single-page-html"]}

Now you can generate these reports by invoking the reports task:

gradle reports
> Task :reportsGenerating Serenity Reports for bdd-bank to directory /Users/john/Projects/SerenityDojo/bdd-bank/target/site/serenityPROCESSING EXTENDED REPORTS: [email]
BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 2s1 actionable task: 1 executed

Functional Coverage Reporting#

The Functional Coverage section lets you highlight key areas of your application. By default, this section will list test results for each Feature. But you can configure the report to group results by other tags as well.

You can specify what categories should appear on this page using the report.tagtypes system property. For example, if want to list capabilities as well as features, you would add the following line to your file:


Now both capabilities and features would appear in the Functional Coverage section of the report:

Customising the categories to appear in the Functional Coverage section

Functional coverage by tag#

You can also configure functional coverage to report coverage by tags, rather than by requirements hierarchy. Suppose you are using a @department tag to define the key stakeholders for each feature. You could flag features to belong to different departments using tags like @department:Trading, department:Sales or department:Marketing.

@department:TradingFeature: Buying and selling shares
  In order to make my investments grow  As a trader  I want to be able to buy and sell shares to make a profit  ...

You could tell Serenity to produce coverage for these tags by including the following line in your file:


When you generate the summary report, the results will be aggregated by each tag value (Marketing, Sales and Trading), as shown here:

Functional coverage can be configured by tags

Deep links#

You can include a link back to your Serenity report, and links to the individual scenario results, by setting the property. You can do this in the file (if it is fixed), or pass it in from the command line (if you are pointing the the reports for a specific build, for example):