Configuring Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver lets you run your tests in a variety of browsers, each with a variety of configuration options. In this section we will look at how to configure your WebDriver driver in Serenity.
The simplest way to configure the driver you want to use is in your project's serenity.conf
file (which you will find in src/test/resources
Basic configuration options go in the webdriver
section. For example, to run your tests with Chrome, you set the webdriver.driver
property to "chrome":
webdriver { driver = "chrome"}
All of the standard WebDriver browsers are supported:
Browser | Value | Example |
Chrome | chrome | webdriver.driver = "chrome" |
Firefox | firefox | webdriver.driver = "firefox" |
Microsoft Edge | edge | webdriver.driver = "edge" |
Internet Explorer | IE | webdriver.driver = "IE" |
Safari | safari | webdriver.driver = "safari" |
Configuring the WebDriver driversWhen you run a WebDriver test against almost any driver, you need an OS-specific binary file to act as an intermediary between your test and the browser you want to manipulate. The main drivers, and where you can download them from, are listed below:
Browser | Driver | Location | System Property |
Chrome | chromedriver | | |
Firefox | geckodriver | | webdriver.gecko.driver |
Microsoft Edge | msedgedriver | | webdriver.edge.driver |
Internet Explorer | IEDriverServer | | |
Automatic driver downloadsBy default, Selenium automatically downloads and installs the appropriate driver binaries for the specified driver.
Configuring driver binaries by handIf you cannot or do not want to download the WebDriver binaries automatically using WebDriverManager (for example, if you are in a corporate network which does not have access to the WebDriverManager binaries), you can download the binaries and configure them directly in the serenity.conf
In this case you need to either have the correct driver binary on your system path, or provide the path to the binary using the system property shown in the table above. For example, your serenity.conf file might contain the following:
However, adding a system path to your file is poor practice, as it means your tests will only run if the specified directory and binary exists, and that you are running the tests on the correct operating system. This obviously makes little sense if you are running your tests both locally, and on a CI environment.
A more robust approach is to have your drivers in your source code, but have different drivers per OS. Serenity allows you to pass driver-specific properties to a driver, as long as they are prefixed with drivers.os. For example, the following line will configure the if you are running your tests under windows.
drivers { windows { = src/test/resources/webdriver/windows/chromedriver.exe }
You can easily configure different binaries for different operating systems like this:
drivers { windows { = src/test/resources/webdriver/windows/chromedriver.exe } mac { = src/test/resources/webdriver/mac/chromedriver } linux { = src/test/resources/webdriver/linux/chromedriver }}
This approach also works when you have more than one driver to configure. Suppose you need to run tests on three environments, using Firefox or Windows. One convenient approach is to store your drivers in a directory structure under src/test/resources similar to the following:
src/test/resourcesโโโ webdriver โโโ linux โ โโโ chromedriver โ โโโ geckodriver โโโ mac โ โโโ chromedriver โ โโโ geckkodriver โโโ windows โโโ chromedriver.exe โโโ geckodriver.exe
This means that your tests will not need the webdriver binaries to be installed on every machine.
The corresponding serenity.conf
configuration for both browsers and each operating system would look like this:
drivers { windows { = src/test/resources/webdriver/windows/chromedriver.exe webdriver.gecko.driver = src/test/resources/webdriver/windows/geckodriver.exe } mac { = src/test/resources/webdriver/mac/chromedriver webdriver.gecko.driver = src/test/resources/webdriver/mac/geckodriver } linux { = src/test/resources/webdriver/linux/chromedriver webdriver.gecko.driver = src/test/resources/webdriver/linux/geckodriver }}
Specifying W3C propertiesW3C capabilities are a standard set of driver features that every drive implementation must support. You can configure W3C capabilities in the wenbdriver.capabilities
section of your serenity.conf
file, as shown here:
webdriver { capabilities { browserName = "Chrome" browserVersion = "103.0" platformName = "Windows 11" acceptInsecureCerts = true }}
You can define timeouts in a dedicated subsection like this:
webdriver { capabilities { browserName = "Chrome" browserVersion = "103.0" platformName = "Windows 11" timeouts { script = 30000 pageLoad = 300000 implicit = 2000 } }}
You can also define proxy configuration details in the proxy
webdriver { capabilities { browserName = "Chrome" browserVersion = "103.0" platformName = "Windows 11" proxy { proxyType = "30000" httpProxy = "myproxy.myorgcom:3128" } }}
Configuring ChromeConfiguring Selenium WebDriver
[Previous content unchanged until Chrome configuration section...]
Configuring ChromeYou can use the special "goog:chromeOptions"
capability to define any of the ChromeDriver options
webdriver { capabilities { browserName = "Chrome" browserVersion = "103.0" platformName = "Windows 11" screenResolution = "1280x1024"
"goog:chromeOptions" { args = [ "window-size=1000,800", "headless" ] binary = ${HOME}/path/to/chromedriver detach = true localState = { cart-contents = [1,2,3] } } }}
Configuring Chromedriver arguments#
Configuring proxy settingsChrome supports various proxy configurations that can be specified in your serenity.conf
file. You can configure proxies in either the general capabilities section or within the Chrome-specific options:
Basic Proxy Configurationwebdriver { capabilities { "goog:chromeOptions" { proxy { proxyType = "MANUAL" httpProxy = "" sslProxy = "" noProxy = "localhost,," } } }}
Proxy TypesSerenity supports several proxy types:
- Manual Proxy Configuration
"goog:chromeOptions" { proxy { proxyType = "MANUAL" httpProxy = "" # HTTP proxy sslProxy = "" # HTTPS proxy socksProxy = "" # SOCKS proxy socksVersion = 5 # SOCKS version (4 or 5) noProxy = "localhost," # Bypass proxy for these addresses }}
- PAC (Proxy Auto-Configuration)
"goog:chromeOptions" { proxy { proxyType = "PAC" proxyAutoconfigUrl = "" }}
- System Proxy
"goog:chromeOptions" { proxy { proxyType = "SYSTEM" # Use system's proxy settings }}
- Direct Connection
"goog:chromeOptions" { proxy { proxyType = "DIRECT" # No proxy (direct connection) }}
- Auto-detect
"goog:chromeOptions" { proxy { proxyType = "AUTODETECT" # Auto-detect proxy settings }}
Proxy AuthenticationFor proxies requiring authentication, include the credentials in the proxy URL:
"goog:chromeOptions" { proxy { proxyType = "MANUAL" httpProxy = "" }}
Environment-Specific Proxy ConfigurationYou can configure different proxy settings for different environments:
environments { dev { webdriver.capabilities { "goog:chromeOptions" { proxy { proxyType = "DIRECT" } } } } qa { webdriver.capabilities { "goog:chromeOptions" { proxy { proxyType = "MANUAL" httpProxy = "" sslProxy = "" noProxy = "*,localhost" } } } }}
Condiguring Microsoft EdgeMicrosoft Edge is a Chromium driver, so the configuration is very similar to Chrome. The main difference is the use of "ms:edgeOptions'"
instead of "goog:chromeOptions"
. A typical configuration is shown below:
webdriver { capabilities { browserName = "MicrosoftEdge" "ms:edgeOptions" { args = ["test-type", "ignore-certificate-errors", "headless", "incognito", "disable-infobars", "disable-gpu", "disable-default-apps", "disable-popup-blocking"] } }}
Configuring FirefoxFirefox uses the "moz:firefoxOptions"
capability to define browser-specific option. A sample configuration is shown below:
webdriver { capabilities { browserName = "firefox"
timeouts { implicit = 1000 script = 1000 pageLoad = 1000 } pageLoadStrategy = "normal" acceptInsecureCerts = true unhandledPromptBehavior = "dismiss" strictFileInteractability = true
"moz:firefoxOptions" { args = ["-headless"], prefs { "javascript.options.showInConsole": false }, log {"level": "info"}, } }}
Configuring multiple environments
You can configure multiple driver configurations by using the environments
section, as shown below. Then simply set the environment
system property to the corresponding environment to use these settings, e.g.
mvn clean verify -Denvironment=chrome
A sample environments section is shown here:
environments { chrome { webdriver { driver = chrome autodownload = true capabilities { browserName = "chrome" acceptInsecureCerts = true "goog:chromeOptions" { args = ["test-type", "ignore-certificate-errors", "headless", "--window-size=1000,800" "incognito", "disable-infobars", "disable-gpu", "disable-default-apps", "disable-popup-blocking"] } } } } edge { webdriver { capabilities { browserName = "MicrosoftEdge" "ms:edgeOptions" { args = ["test-type", "ignore-certificate-errors", "headless", "incognito", "disable-infobars", "disable-gpu", "disable-default-apps", "disable-popup-blocking"] } } } } firefox { webdriver { capabilities { browserName = "firefox" pageLoadStrategy = "normal" acceptInsecureCerts = true unhandledPromptBehavior = "dismiss" strictFileInteractability = true
"moz:firefoxOptions" { args = ["-headless"], prefs { "javascript.options.showInConsole": false }, log {"level": "info"}, } } } }}