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Selenoid Selenoid is a powerful Golang implementation of original Selenium hub code. It is using Docker to launch browsers. Please refer to GitHub repository if you need source code.

The simplest way to configure the driver you want to use is in your project's serenity.conf file (which you will find in src/test/resources folder). Refer to Driver Config

You can configure your tests to run against this server by setting two properties:

  • Set the webdriver.driver property to remote
  • Set the webdriver.remote.url property to the address of your selenoid instance (http://localhost:4444/wd/hub by default)
webdriver {  driver = remote  remote.url = "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"  } }

You can also provide additional properties about the target browser or environment, including:

  • browserName: property to the name of the driver you want to run (e.g. "chrome")
  • browserVersion: What version of the remote browser to use (e.g. "93")

webdriver {  driver = remote  remote.url = "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"  capabilities {    browserName = "chrome"    browserVersion = "93"  }}

If you use

webdriver.driver = remotewebdriver.remote.url = http://localhost:4444/wd/hubwebdriver.capabilities.browserVersion=93.0webdriver.capabilities.browserName=chrome

Example with multiple environments for Selenoid and Local browser:

serenity { = "Project with Remote(selenoid) and Local browsers"  console.colors = true  logging = VERBOSE  take.screenshots = AFTER_EACH_STEP}
environment = selenoid
environments {  selenoid {    webdriver {      driver = remote      remote.url = "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"      capabilities {        browserName = "chrome"        browserVersion = "118.0"        "selenoid:options" {            enableVNC = true            enableVideo = false            sessionTimeout = 10m            timeZone = America/Los_Angeles          }        "goog:chromeOptions" {            args = ["--remote-allow-origins=*", "disable-gpu", "disable-setuid-sandbox", "disable-dev-shm-usage"]            prefs {              profile.profile_default_content_settings.popups = 0              profile.default_content_setting_values.notifications = 1             }          }        timeouts {           #script = 30000           #pageLoad = 300000           implicit = 5000         }      }    }  }  local {    webdriver {      driver = chrome      capabilities {        "goog:chromeOptions" {            args = ["--remote-allow-origins=*", "disable-gpu", "disable-setuid-sandbox", "disable-dev-shm-usage"]            prefs {              profile.profile_default_content_settings.popups = 0              profile.default_content_setting_values.notifications = 1             }          }        timeouts {           #script = 30000           #pageLoad = 300000           implicit = 5000         }      }    }  }}

You can run tests on specific environment via comman line. mvn clean verify -Denvironment=selenoid