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Browserstack is an online platform that allows you to run cross-browser tests in parallel at scale. In this section, we will see how it integrates with Serenity.

Adding the Browserstack plugin to your project#

Serenity comes with a dedicated BrowserStack plugin that makes it much easier to run your tests on this platform. To use it, first add the serenity-browserstack dependency to your project. In Maven, that would look like the following:

        <dependency>            <groupId>net.serenity-bdd</groupId>            <artifactId>serenity-browserstack</artifactId>            <version>${serenity.version}</version>        </dependency>

Or in Gradle:

    testImplementation "net.serenity-bdd:serenity-browserstack:${serenityVersion}"

Specifying your BrowserStack credentials and grid URL#

Next, you will need a BrowserStack account.

You can add your BrowserStack credentials in two ways. The simplest is to define the following system properties:

  • BROWSERSTACK_USER - BrowserStack user name
  • BROWSERSTACK_KEY- BrowserStack access key

Alternatively, you can define your username and accesskey using the browserstack.user and browserstack.key properties respectively in your serenity.conf file:


Configuring the BrowserStack driver#

Serenity interacts with BrowserStack via the RemoteDriver driver. You can specify the remote URL explicitly, or let the serenity-browserstack library do it for you. For example, to configure the URL explicitly you could use a serenity.conf configuration like this:

webdriver {  driver = remote  remote.url =  "https://"${BROWSERSTACK_USER}":"${BROWSERSTACK_KEY}""}

If the webdriver.remote.url property is not defined, Serenity will use these values to build one for you if the BrowserStack plugin is active (see below).

Defining BrowserStack Capabilities#

You can specify the operating system and browser you want to run your tests on by customising the Selenium Capabilities in your serenity.conf file. You do this in the "bstack:options" section of the serenity.conf file, e.g.

webdriver {  driver = "remote"  capabilities {    browserName = "Chrome"    #    # Any BrowserStack-specific options go in the 'bstack:options' section    #    "bstack:options" {      os = "Windows"      osVersion = "11"      browserVersion = "latest"      local = false      resolution = "1920x1200"      seleniumVersion = "4.6.0"      video = true      idleTimeout = 300 // Make sure to set this to a high number if running tests in parallel    }  }}

If you're running the tests in parallel, make sure to set the idleTimeout value to a high number (longer than the total duration of your tests). This will prevent the BrowserStack connection from timing out before it's updated with the test results.