Registering a new client
New clients need to provide their full name and email address
3 passing test cases
3 |
Given a trader with the following details:
|firstName | lastName | email|
| | | |
When the trader attempts to register with BDD Trader
Then the registration should be rejected
19:49:39 |
3s 182ms |
Registering a new client
New clients are given a portfolio with $1000 to start with
3 |
Given a trader with the following details:
| firstName | lastName | email |
| Jake | Smith | |
When the trader registers with BDD Trader
Then the trader should have a portfolio with $1000 in cash
19:49:41 |
1s 595ms |
Buying and selling shares
Buying and selling shares
4 |
Given Tom Smith is a registered trader
When he purchases 5 AAPL shares at $100 each
And he sells 3 AAPL shares for $150 each
Then he should have the following positions:
| securityCode | amount |
| CASH | 95000 |
| AAPL | 2 |
19:49:39 |
3s 829ms |
Buying and selling shares
Buying shares
3 |
Given Tom Smith is a registered trader
When he purchases 5 AAPL shares at $100 each
Then he should have the following positions:
| securityCode | amount |
| CASH | 50000 |
| AAPL | 5 |
19:49:42 |
313ms |
Viewing positions
Making a profit on a single share
4 |
Given the following market prices:
| securityCode | price |
| SNAP | 200 |
| IBM | 60 |
And Sarah Smith is a registered trader
Given Sarah has purchased 5 SNAP shares at $100 each
Then she should have the following position details:
| securityCode | amount | totalValueInDollars | profit |
| CASH | 50000 | 500.00 | 0.00 |
| SNAP | 5 | 1000.00 | 500.00 |
19:49:39 |
3s 770ms |
Market news
Viewing news about a particular share
3 |
Given Tim is interested in Apple
When Tim views the news about AAPL
Then Tim should only see articles related to AAPL
19:49:39 |
3s 517ms |