Customer Due Diligence and Regulatory Reporting
Home > Requirements > Customer Identification > Identifying A New Customer
Report generated 14-10-2018 21:36

Feature: Identifying A New Customer

The bank needs to identify any person or entity that maintains an account with the bank or those on whose behalf an account is maintained


Scenario details

Given Joe is a new customer

And Joe lives in the UK

When Joe provides one piece of identity and one proof of address

Then his identify should be established

Given Joe is a new customer

And Joe does not live in the UK

When Joe provides one piece of identity and proof of addresses over the past 3 years

Then his identify should be established

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 1 50%
 Pending 0
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 0
 Broken 0
 Compromised 1 50%
Total 2

Automated Tests

Scenario Steps Start Time Duration Result
Identifying a new customer living in the UK 4 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS
Identifying a new customer not living in the UK 4 21:36:09 00:00 COMPROMISED

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 2.0.7