Customer Due Diligence and Regulatory Reporting
Report generated 14-10-2018 21:36

Customer Due Diligence

Supervisors around the world are increasingly recognising the importance of ensuring that their banks have adequate controls and procedures in place so that they know the customers with whom they are dealing. Adequate due diligence on new and existing customers is a key part of these controls. Without this due diligence, banks can become subject to reputational, operational, legal and concentration risks, which can result in significant financial cost.

Banks are required to "have in place adequate policies, practices and procedures that promote high ethical and professional standards and prevent the bank from being used, intentionally or unintentionally, by criminal elements".

Certain key elements should be included by banks in the design of KYC programmes. Such essential elements should start from the banks’ risk management and control procedures and should include

  1. customer acceptance policy,
  2. customer identification, and
  3. on-going monitoring of high risk accounts

Banks should not only establish the identity of their customers, but should also monitor account activity to determine those transactions that do not conform with the normal or expected transactions for that customer or type of account. KYC should be a core feature of banks’ risk management and control procedures, and be complemented by regular compliance reviews and internal audit. The intensity of KYC programmes beyond these essential elements should be tailored to the degree of risk.

Requirements Overview

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 32 82%
 Pending 4 10%
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 1 3%
 Broken 1 3%
 Compromised 1 3%
Total 39

Functional Coverage


Capability ID Automated Tests Manual Tests Results Coverage
Customer Acceptance Policies 33 0 4
Customer Identification 2 0 5
Ongoing Monitoring of accounts and transactions 4 0 2

Automated Tests

feature Scenario Steps Start Time Duration Result
Business Activities The business activity risk factor for an industry (7 examples) 2 21:36:06 00:00 ERROR
Business Activities An example of a high risk business 3 21:36:09 00:00 PENDING
Business Activities A few more examples of a high risk businesses (2 examples) 3 21:36:09 00:00 PENDING
Business Activities The business activity risk factor for an established business (3 examples) 3 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS
Business Activities Businesses established less than 2 years ago are considered higher risk (3 examples) 2 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS
Country risk ratings Each country has a risk rating based on anti-money-laundering and anti-corruption considerations (8 examples) 3 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS
Country risk ratings Countries are categorised as low, medium and high risk based on their risk rating (3 examples) 2 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS
Country risk ratings Overall customer risk is based on country of origin and country of domicile (6 examples) 4 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS
Identifying a new customer Identifying a new customer living in the UK 4 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS
Identifying a new customer Identifying a new customer not living in the UK 4 21:36:09 00:00 COMPROMISED
Monitoring new customers Monitoring a new low risk customer 4 21:36:09 00:00 PENDING
Monitoring suspicious cash transactions Large cash transactions 4 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS
Monitoring suspicious cash transactions Many small cash transactions 4 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS
Monitoring suspicious cash transactions Many small cash transactions that are in the customer's normal usage patterns 4 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded


Scenario Title Details
Large cash transactions Reported Transactions  Details
Many small cash transactions Reported Transactions  Details
Many small cash transactions that are in the customer's normal usage patterns Cash Deposit records  Download Evidence
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