For example:
Country | Risk Factor | |
Iran | 8.6 | |
Afghanistan | 8.38 | |
Haiti | 7.5 | |
Nicaragua | 6.64 | |
China | 6.53 | |
United Kingdom | 4.81 | |
Estonia | 3.83 | |
Finland | 3.04 |
The full country list should be provided by the reference data service.
Countries are categorised as low, medium and high risk based on their score.
For example:
Risk Factor | Risk Rating | Sample Country | |
7 or above | High | Iran | |
5 to 7 | Medium | Nicaragua | |
Below 5 | Low | Estonia |
The country risk for a customer is based on their country of domicile and their country of origin, as shown below:
domicile | origin | risk | |
high | Any | high | |
Any | high | high | |
medium | medium | medium | |
medium | low | medium | |
low | medium | low | |
low | low | low |
More detailed examples are provided in the scenarios.
Given a customer who is domiciled in {Country}
When his risk coefficient is calculated
Then his country risk factor should be {Risk Factor}
Country | Risk Factor | |
Iran | 8.6 | |
Afghanistan | 8.38 | |
Haiti | 7.5 | |
Nicaragua | 6.64 | |
China | 6.53 | |
United Kingdom | 4.81 | |
Estonia | 3.83 | |
Finland | 3.04 |
When the country has a risk factor that is {Risk Factor}, such as {Sample Country}
Then the risk rating should be {Risk Rating}
Risk Factor | Risk Rating | Sample Country | |
7 or above | High | Iran | |
5 to 7 | Medium | Nicaragua | |
Below 5 | Low | Estonia |
Given Joe is a prospective customer who is domiciled in {domicile}
And who comes from {origin}
When his overall country risk is calculated
Then the overall risk category should be {risk}
domicile | origin | risk | |
high | Any | high | |
Any | high | high | |
medium | medium | medium | |
medium | low | medium | |
low | medium | low | |
low | low | low |
Scenario Results (including rows of test data) | Automated | |
Passing | 17 | 100% |
Pending | 0 | |
Ignored | 0 | |
Skipped | 0 | |
Unsuccessful | ||
Failed | 0 | |
Broken | 0 | |
Compromised | 0 | |
Total | 17 |
Scenario | Steps | Start Time | Duration | Result |
Each country has a risk rating based on anti-money-laundering and anti-corruption considerations (8 examples) | 3 | 21:36:09 | 00:00 | |
Countries are categorised as low, medium and high risk based on their risk rating (3 examples) | 2 | 21:36:09 | 00:00 | |
Overall customer risk is based on country of origin and country of domicile (6 examples) | 4 | 21:36:09 | 00:00 |