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Report generated 14-10-2018 21:36

Feature: Business Activities

Some business activities are considered more risk-prone than others, and certain customers and entities may pose specific risks.

The business activity risk factor for an industry is determined by the potential risk they present to the bank. For example:

High Risk

Business CategoryRisk Factor 
Precious Metals Exchange9
Currency Exchange9
Jewellery Store8

More details

Business activity risk for a customer with an estabilished business (in activity for 2 years or more) depends on the business activity risk factor:

Risk FactorBusiness CategoryRisk Rating 
7 or aboveCasinoHigh
5 to 7Jewellery StoreMedium
Under 5Software DevelopmentLow

More details

The Business Activity Risk factor for a customer is determined by the industry risk factor, how long the business has been in activity. A business with less than 2 years activity is considered high risk:

Business Start DateApplication DateBusiness CategoryRisk Rating 
01-01-201631-12-2017Software DevelopmentMedium
01-01-201831-01-2018Jewellery StoreHigh

More details


Scenario details

The industry risk factor is a value from 0 to 10.

When a customer works in {Business Category}

Then their base business activity risk factor should be {Risk Factor}

Examples: High Risk

Business CategoryRisk Factor
Precious Metals Exchange9
Currency Exchange9
Jewellery Store8

Examples: Medium Risk

Business CategoryRisk Factor
Convenience Store7
Real Estate Broker6

Examples: Low Risk

Business CategoryRisk Factor
Software Development3

Given a business with the following details:


When the business risk profile is assessed

Then the risk rating should be High

Given a business with the following details:


When the business risk profile is assessed

Then the risk rating should be {Risk}


TedsConvenience StoreMedium
JillsSoftware DevelopmentLow

Established businessess have been in activity for 2 years or more

When a customer with a business risk factor of {Risk Factor}, such as for a {Business Category} business

And the business been operation for more than two years

Then their business activity risk rating should be {Risk Rating}


Risk FactorBusiness CategoryRisk Rating
7 or aboveCasinoHigh
5 to 7Jewellery StoreMedium
Under 5Software DevelopmentLow

When a business of type {Business Category} established on {Business Start Date} applies to open an account on {Application Date}

Then their business activity risk rating should be {Risk Rating}


Business Start DateApplication DateBusiness CategoryRisk Rating
01-01-201631-12-2017Software DevelopmentMedium
01-01-201831-01-2018Jewellery StoreHigh

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 11 69%
 Pending 3 19%
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 1 6%
 Broken 1 6%
 Compromised 0
Total 16

Automated Tests

Scenario Steps Start Time Duration Result
The business activity risk factor for an industry (7 examples) 2 21:36:06 00:00 ERROR
An example of a high risk business 3 21:36:09 00:00 PENDING
A few more examples of a high risk businesses (2 examples) 3 21:36:09 00:00 PENDING
The business activity risk factor for an established business (3 examples) 3 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS
Businesses established less than 2 years ago are considered higher risk (3 examples) 2 21:36:09 00:00 SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 2.0.7