Serenity BDD TodoMVC
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Report generated 23-05-2024 08:44:13

Tag: Screenplay

17 tests |


Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Functional Coverage Overview


Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 17
Total Number of Test Cases 17
Tests Started May 23, 2024 08:43:55
Tests Finished May 23, 2024 08:44:10
Total Duration 14s
Fastest Test 2s
Slowest Test 6s
Average Execution Time 3s
Total Execution Time 1m 0s

Functional Coverage Details


Feature Scenarios StepsText Test Cases % Pass Result Coverage
Learn about the application 2 James starts with an empty todo list James opens the page Then the placeholder text should be 'What needs to be done?' James starts with an empty todo list James opens the page Then application should be to display 'title' as 'TodoMVC: Angular' Then application should be to display 'heading' as 'Todos' 2 100%
Complete a todo 6 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James completes the item called Walk the dog James clicks on the complete item tick box Then the number of items left should be (1) James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James completes the item called Walk the dog James clicks on the complete item tick box James should see that is equal to: James should see the number of items left that is equal to: <1> James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James toggles the status of all items Execute JavaScript arguments[0].click(); James should see that is equal to: James should see that is equal to: James should see the number of items left that is equal to: <0> James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James completes the item called Walk the dog James clicks on the complete item tick box Then The item status for 'Walk the dog' should be (Completed) Then the items$$ lambda$2265/0x00007f275075b5c0 should be (1) James should see a value that is equal to: <"b"> 6 100%
Clear completed todo items 2 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James completes the item called Walk the dog James clicks on the complete item tick box James clears all the completed items James clicks on Clear completed link Then the items displayed should be iterable containing ['Put out the garbage'] James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field Then the 'Clear Completed' option should be (Unavailable) 2 100%
Deleting todo items 2 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James deletes the item Walk the dog James clicks on the delete item button Then the number of items left should be (1) James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James deletes the item Walk the dog James clicks on the delete item button Then the items displayed should be iterable containing ['Put out the garbage'] 2 100%
Filtering todo items 2 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James completes the item called Walk the dog James clicks on the complete item tick box James filters items by Completed James clicks on filter by Completed Then the items displayed should be iterable containing ['Walk the dog'] Then the items displayed should be not iterable containing ['Put out the garbage'] Then the current filter should be (Completed) James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James completes the item called Walk the dog James clicks on the complete item tick box James filters items by Active James clicks on filter by Active Then the items displayed should be iterable containing ['Put out the garbage'] Then the items displayed should be not iterable containing ['Walk the dog'] Then the current filter should be (Active) 2 100%
Handling todos belonging to several users 1 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field Jane starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Feed the cat Jane opens the page Jane adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Feed the cat] Jane adds a todo item called: Walk the dog Jane enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field Jane adds a todo item called: Feed the cat Jane enters 'Feed the cat' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James completes the item called Walk the dog James clicks on the complete item tick box James clears all the completed items James clicks on Clear completed link Then the items displayed should be iterable containing ['Walk the dog', 'Feed the cat'] 1 100%
Add new todos 2 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James opens the page James adds the todo items called: [Walk the dog, Put out the garbage] James adds a todo item called: Walk the dog James enters 'Walk the dog' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Put out the garbage James enters 'Put out the garbage' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field James adds a todo item called: Buy some milk James enters 'Buy some milk' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field Then the items displayed should be (a collection containing 'Walk the dog' and a collection containing 'Put out the garbage' and a collection containing 'Buy some milk') James starts with an empty todo list James opens the page James adds a todo item called: Buy some milk James enters 'Buy some milk' then hits [RETURN] into 'What needs to be done?' field Then the items displayed should be a collection containing 'Buy some milk' 2 100%

Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 17 Total Duration 14s
Total Number of Test Cases 17 Fastest Test 2s
Number of Manual Test Cases 0 Slowest Test 6s
Tests Started May 23, 2024 08:43:55 Average Execution Time 3s
Tests Finished May 23, 2024 08:44:10 Total Execution Time 1m 0s

Automated Scenarios

feature Scenario Context Steps StepsText Started Total Duration Result
LearnAboutTheApplication Should see how to begin Chrome,linux 2 James starts with an empty todo list Then the placeholder text should be 'What needs to be done?' 08:43:56 2s 405ms SUCCESS
LearnAboutTheApplication Should be able to identify the application Chrome,linux 3 James starts with an empty todo list Then application should be to display 'title' as 'TodoMVC: Angular' Then application should be to display 'heading' as 'Todos' 08:43:58 2s 233ms SUCCESS
CompleteATodo Should see the number of todos decrease when an item is completed Chrome,linux 3 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James completes the item called Walk the dog Then the number of items left should be (1) 08:43:56 3s 808ms SUCCESS
CompleteATodo Should be able to complete a todo using page objects Chrome,linux 0 08:44:00 3s 019ms SUCCESS
CompleteATodo Should be able to complete a todo Chrome,linux 4 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James completes the item called Walk the dog James should see that is equal to: James should see the number of items left that is equal to: <1> 08:44:03 3s 621ms SUCCESS
CompleteATodo Should be able to complete a todo using imperative code Chrome,linux 0 08:44:06 3s 157ms SUCCESS
CompleteATodo Should be able to toggle the status of all todos Chrome,linux 5 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James toggles the status of all items James should see that is equal to: James should see that is equal to: James should see the number of items left that is equal to: <0> 08:44:06 3s 243ms SUCCESS
CompleteATodo Should be able to complete a todo using a bdd style Chrome,linux 4 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James completes the item called Walk the dog Then The item status for 'Walk the dog' should be (Completed) Then the items$$ lambda$2265/0x00007f275075b5c0 should be (1) 08:44:07 3s 156ms SUCCESS
ClearCompletedTodoItems Should be able to clear completed todos Chrome,linux 4 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James completes the item called Walk the dog James clears all the completed items Then the items displayed should be iterable containing ['Put out the garbage'] 08:43:56 3s 911ms SUCCESS
ClearCompletedTodoItems Should not be able to clear completed todos if none are complete Chrome,linux 2 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage Then the 'Clear Completed' option should be (Unavailable) 08:44:00 5s 695ms SUCCESS
DeletingTodoItems Should see deleting a todo decreases the remaining items count Chrome,linux 3 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James deletes the item Walk the dog Then the number of items left should be (1) 08:43:56 3s 015ms SUCCESS
DeletingTodoItems Should be able to delete todos Chrome,linux 3 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James deletes the item Walk the dog Then the items displayed should be iterable containing ['Put out the garbage'] 08:43:59 2s 799ms SUCCESS
FilteringTodoItems Should be able to view only completed todos Chrome,linux 6 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James completes the item called Walk the dog James filters items by Completed Then the items displayed should be iterable containing ['Walk the dog'] Then the items displayed should be not iterable containing ['Put out the garbage'] Then the current filter should be (Completed) 08:43:56 3s 526ms SUCCESS
FilteringTodoItems Should be able to view only incomplete todos Chrome,linux 6 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James completes the item called Walk the dog James filters items by Active Then the items displayed should be iterable containing ['Put out the garbage'] Then the items displayed should be not iterable containing ['Walk the dog'] Then the current filter should be (Active) 08:43:59 3s 618ms SUCCESS
HandlingTodosBelongingToSeveralUsers Should not affect todos belonging to another user Chrome,linux 5 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage Jane starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Feed the cat James completes the item called Walk the dog James clears all the completed items Then the items displayed should be iterable containing ['Walk the dog', 'Feed the cat'] 08:43:55 6s 451ms SUCCESS
AddNewTodos Should be able to add additional todo items Chrome,linux 3 James starts with a todo list containing Walk the dog, Put out the garbage James adds a todo item called: Buy some milk Then the items displayed should be (a collection containing 'Walk the dog' and a collection containing 'Put out the garbage' and a collection containing 'Buy some milk') 08:43:56 3s 637ms SUCCESS
AddNewTodos Should be able to add the first todo item Chrome,linux 3 James starts with an empty todo list James adds a todo item called: Buy some milk Then the items displayed should be a collection containing 'Buy some milk' 08:43:59 2s 902ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 4.1.12