Serenity BDD Report
Report generated 08-11-2024 23:10:09

Test Results: All Tests

5 tests


Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Functional Coverage Overview


Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 5
Total Number of Test Cases 5
Tests Started Nov 08, 2024 23:09:42
Tests Finished Nov 08, 2024 23:10:06
Total Duration 24s
Fastest Test 154ms
Slowest Test 17s
Average Execution Time 4s
Total Execution Time 23s

Functional Coverage Details


Feature Scenarios StepsText Test Cases % Pass Result Coverage
When adding numbers 1 Michael starts with 1 Michael adds 2 Michael should have 3 1 100%
When searching for terms 2 Actor opens the DuckDuckGo home page Actor opens the Duck duck go home page Actor searches for 'green' Actor enters 'green' then hits [ENTER] into search field Actor should see the title of the page that contains (ignoring case): <[green]> Actor opens the DuckDuckGo home page Actor opens the Duck duck go home page Actor searches for 'red' Actor enters 'red' then hits [ENTER] into search field Actor should see the title of the page that contains (ignoring case): <[red]> 2 100%
When searching for terms with junit4 2 Actor opens the DuckDuckGo home page Actor opens the Duck duck go home page Actor searches for 'green' Actor enters 'green' then hits [ENTER] into search field Actor should see the title of the page that contains (ignoring case): <[green]> Actor opens the DuckDuckGo home page Actor opens the Duck duck go home page Actor searches for 'red' Actor enters 'red' then hits [ENTER] into search field Actor should see the title of the page that contains (ignoring case): <[red]> 2 100%

Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 5 Total Duration 24s
Total Number of Test Cases 5 Fastest Test 154ms
Number of Manual Test Cases 0 Slowest Test 17s
Tests Started Nov 08, 2024 23:09:42 Average Execution Time 4s
Tests Finished Nov 08, 2024 23:10:06 Total Execution Time 23s

Automated Scenarios

feature Scenario Context Steps StepsText Started Total Duration Result
WhenAddingNumbers Adding sums 3 Michael starts with 1 Michael adds 2 Michael should have 3 23:09:42 154ms SUCCESS
WhenSearchingForTerms Should be able to search for green things Chrome,linux 3 Actor opens the DuckDuckGo home page Actor searches for 'green' Actor should see the title of the page that contains (ignoring case): <[green]> 23:10:03 1s 781ms SUCCESS
WhenSearchingForTerms Should be able to search for red things Chrome,linux 3 Actor opens the DuckDuckGo home page Actor searches for 'red' Actor should see the title of the page that contains (ignoring case): <[red]> 23:10:05 1s 851ms SUCCESS
WhenSearchingForTermsWithJunit4 Search for green things 3 Actor opens the DuckDuckGo home page Actor searches for 'green' Actor should see the title of the page that contains (ignoring case): <[green]> 23:09:43 17s 886ms SUCCESS
WhenSearchingForTermsWithJunit4 Search for red things 3 Actor opens the DuckDuckGo home page Actor searches for 'red' Actor should see the title of the page that contains (ignoring case): <[red]> 23:10:01 1s 831ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 4.2.8