Serenity BDD TodoMVC
Report generated 23-05-2024 08:43

Feature: Deleting todos

In order to make me feel a sense of accomplishment
As a tidy person
I want to be to delete the tasks once I am done with them


Given Jane has a todo list containing Buy some milk, Walk the dog

When she deletes the task called 'Walk the dog'

Then her todo list should contain Buy some milk

Given Jane has a todo list containing Buy some milk, Walk the dog

When she deletes the task called 'Walk the dog'

And she deletes the task called 'Buy some milk'

Then her todo list should be empty

Feature Coverage By Scenario

Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 2 Total Duration 11s
Total Number of Test Cases 2 Fastest Test 3s
Number of Manual Test Cases 0 Slowest Test 10s
Tests Started May 23, 2024 08:43:43 Average Execution Time 7s
Tests Finished May 23, 2024 08:43:54 Total Execution Time 14s

Automated Tests

feature Scenario Context Steps Started Total Duration Result
Deleting todos Delete an active item Chrome,linux 3 08:43:50 3s 980ms SUCCESS
Deleting todos Delete all the items Chrome,linux 4 08:43:43 10s 704ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 4.1.12