Serenity BDD TodoMVC
Home > Cucumber > Maintain my todo list > Filtering todos > Viewing the items by status filter
Report generated 23-05-2024 08:43

Filtering Todos

  1 To 10 Seconds (Duration)   Smoke-Test   Filtering

Viewing the items by status filter



Scenario Outline

Given Jane has a todo list containing <tasks>
And she completes the task called "<completed>"
When she filters her list to show only <filter> tasks
Then her todo list should contain <expected>


# Tasks Completed Filter Expected
1 Buy some milk, Walk the dog Walk the dog Active Buy some milk
2 Buy some milk, Walk the dog Walk the dog Completed Walk the dog
3 Buy some milk, Walk the dog Walk the dog All Buy some milk, Walk the dog
Steps Outcome
SUCCESS 9s 004ms
SUCCESS 7s 626ms
SUCCESS 9s 189ms
Serenity BDD version 4.1.12